Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Leggo my prego eggo and other tips for dealing with a pregnant woman you don't know very well

Everyone told me this would happen and they were right.

When you are pregnant, you get a lot of attention. Some of it is fun but for the most part, a lot of it is unsolicited which means you never know what someone is going to say to you (or, in some cases, exactly who is going to feel more than comfortable reaching out and copping a feel of your bump).

It's funny but I find that for some people, my bump is simply a sign that reads "hey, come talk to me about your wife/girlfriend/friend who is pregnant" or "please tell me how awful your labor was."

So, for those of you who don't encounter many pregnant ladies and want to know how to act when you do come across one, here is some advice I can give based on my own experience:

-Just because your wife/girlfriend/friend is pregnant, does not mean that I want to talk about my birthing plan with you here in the grocery store/at work/in line at the airport. I realize you are excited about the pregnant lady you know but perhaps we can get to know each other first before you ask how I will labor?

-Unless we are old friends or I have a giant bug on me, please ask before reaching out and touching my stomach.

-Please remember that I am new at this and scared before you retell (in graphic detail) the story about how hard your sister's delivery was, how there was "a lot of tearing" and that "even a week later she was still in a ton of pain and on heavy painkillers." If I ask to hear about it that's one thing but offering up this info when we don't know each other very well is a little jarring.

-You are more than welcome to look at my bump and notice that I look really different these days but please look me in the eyes once or twice while we're talking.

But I assure you, it hasn't been all negative. Outside of a few people who seem to be more overzealous than Jonathan and I have been about the pregnancy and have shared a bit too much, most of the people I come in contact with have been very respectful and often really cute about all of the changes I am going through. And many of you read this blog, so thanks!


Blogger bloomie said...

Wow, I have never, ever, ever reached out and touched a preggers lady belly. I always think those stories must be made up - who touch a stranger...although I've been touched plenty on the subway by strangers.

The only pregnant ladies bellies I have ever touched without permission are yours and my sisters which I think is ok, although I promise to at least try not to touch your belly without permission if I see you again before you pop.

April 9, 2008 at 7:11 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

You are hilarious. I secretly hope you stay pregnant forever so you will keep updating this blog.

April 9, 2008 at 2:00 PM  
Blogger becca said...

Man, have people totally forgotten about the concept of personal space? Wow. I second lj; you are hilarious and I am impressed that you are taken these kinds of reactions in stride.

April 9, 2008 at 2:41 PM  

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